Dr. Soroush wins CSID “Muslim Democrat of the Year Award”
May 28, 2004 CSID’s presentation of the “Muslim Democrat of the Year Award” to Professor Abdolkarim Soroush represented the third highlight of the banquet. Dr. Hossein Kamali accepted the award on behalf of Professor Soroush, and read a statement on his behalf. In his statement, the noted Iranian scholar and activist said: “Justice constitutes the key to formulating such a notion of democracy that is not only compatible but rather concomitant with the teachings of Islam. We should remember the Qur’anic injuction: inna-Allāh ya’muru bi al-‛adl wa al-ihsān (al-Nahl/16:90) verily God commands justice and doing good (that goes beyond the requirements of simple justice).” (Read Dr. Soroush's Complete Acceptance Speech Delivered through Dr. Hossein Kamali, Due to illness)